Finance – Global Voice


On Nov. 5, U.S. voters will almost certainly face the same choice for president as they did in 2020: Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

Christian Sewing barrelled down a German autobahn to meet clients in a former milltown when a friend called. Credit traders had zeroed in on Deutsche Bank

When shopping for a financial planner, it’s natural to ask, “How much do you charge?” If you expect a simple, one-sentence answer, think again.

Egypt holds a presidential election on Dec. 10-12 in which Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is set to secure a third term amid an economic crisis that has seen the Egyptian pound tumbling

Germany is likely in recession now as external demand is weak, consumers remain cautious and domestic investment is held back by high borrowing costs, the Bundesbank said

China is widely expected to trim its benchmark mortgage reference rate at a monthly fixing on Tuesday, as banks’ improving net interest margins

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