Curiosity – Global Voice


Why do smoke detector alarms go off even when there’s no smoke?
The most likely reason smoke detectors go off unexpectedly is that people aren’t changing the batteries in them often enough.

Though you can’t see them, radio waves are all around you all the time, carrying information. For most people, some of those radio waves are Wi-Fi signals. Wi-Fi is the catchy name an industry…

With millions of Americans vaccinated against COVID-19, many who have worked from home over the past year will be heading back into the office. Adjusting to new routines is challenging

As a surgeon who specializes in treating patients with voice problems, I routinely record my patients speaking. For me, these recordings are incredibly valuable.

Kids are naturally curious. But various forces in the environment can dampen their curiosity over time. Can anything be done to keep kids’ curiosity alive? For answers to this question

Over 100 million people used ChatGPT in January alone, according to one estimate, making it the fastest-growing consumer application in history. 

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